
ProptechZoom is building a market ecosystem, there will be a conference and a startup competition on May 25

Digitization is increasingly coming to the fore in most real estate companies, in the past six months many construction or development companies have taken great steps to be responsible for technological innovation within the company. Proptechzoom’s analysis revealed that the sector needs education in order to be able to keep up with the latest innovations and to be able to use the various products effectively, and the Proptech Hungary Conference also provides this opportunity.

With this educational intention, Proptechzoom started the startup competition together with Hiventures, which ended this week and 26 ideas or companies in the initial phase applied. The organizers and the jury are now selecting the applicants who can participate in the bootcamp program and present themselves to the real estate market at the Proptech Hungary Conference to be held on May 25.

In addition to startups, the big guns of the domestic proptech market will present at the conference, who will talk about their domestic experiences, company building, difficulties, and opportunities, but international speakers will also add color to the theme of the event. James Dearsley, the founder of the leading global proptech platform,, reports on the latest innovations and interesting things on the market in his special international outlook. Dirk Paelinck, president of the EU proptech association, will present how the EU intends to support the development of the digital real estate market in the near future, focusing on the spread of smart buildings and sustainability aspects, and Ivo Van Breukelen, president of Proptech Connection, who invests specifically in proptech companies presents the market through capital companies and from the perspective of the investor.

“A lot has changed compared to the first Proptech conference in 2018, during the epidemic it became clear that real estate can be used more efficiently with digital and sustainable solutions, and with these, performance also becomes more measurable. We are living in the age of change, those who will take advantage of the unpredictable changes will be those who start using and integrate technology into their daily operations as soon as possible, who measure their performance, collect data and analyze it in order to be able to predict the change”, adds Zoltán Kalmár, Founder of ProptechZoom.

The ongoing Proptech Startup program has set itself no less a goal than to involve the Hungarian real estate sector in the global innovation and startup mainstream. Therefore, already operating proptech companies that are more mature than the idea phase were not excluded from the essentially incubation-type initiative. In line with the ideas of the organizers, the tender received ideas that cover almost the entire spectrum of the proptech market: from sustainable development (optimization of operations, material innovation, energy efficiency) and the future of work (telework solutions, office spaces) to increasing the user experience (robotization, automation) , smooth office processes) and through smart solutions (sensors, AR/VR devices) to security technology (exit and entry, facial recognition, parking, 3D modeling, artificial intelligence).

Hiventures has wanted to invest in the proptech market for a long time, so it was particularly pleased with the initiative, and even major players in the real estate sector joined: DVM Group, Dome Facility, Cushman Wakefield, and CPI are also participating in the judging.

The official program of the conference can be viewed at The official language of the event is English, but of course a Hungarian translation will be available on site for all performances. Exhibitors at the Proptech Hungary Conference welcome visitors, almost all of the biggest technology players in the real estate market will be present at the event: the interested parties are Orthograph, ARWorks, APFM-Systems, Buidext, Netlife robotics, Parkl, Energrade, Invensol and they can also visit the Adlatus stands.

About ProptechZoom

The purpose of is to build the proptech ecosystem: educate players in the real estate market and help digital solutions spread faster. It cooperates with the proptech organizations of the markets of the neighboring countries, primarily in the Central and Eastern European region, with the largest professional associations of the domestic real estate market, and also with the domestic real estate market companies. In 2018, he organized the region’s first Proptech conference. The goal of Proptech ZoOm is not only to support the market, but to see the talented young people, the humble professionals, the spark, the potential in start-ups and companies, and to help these values ​​as a kind of cohesive force.

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