Digitalization has become part of our everyday life. The digital transformation of the real estate market is no longer an option, it develops together with us, however, we have an influence on the speed at which it happens and how quickly we react to certain changes. It is no longer a competitive advantage, but almost mandatory to be included in the company strategy.


The aim of Proptech Hungary is to bring together the actors of the domestic proptech market, create an ecosystem, educate the real estate market and help the faster spread of digital solutions.


We facilitate the connection between real estate market players, investment communities, start-ups and mature tech companies. We cooperate with the proptech organizations of the markets of the neighboring countries, especially of the Central and Eastern European region, in order to further help the transfer of knowledge, as well as the expansion and regional growth of local companies.

  • building a proptech ecosystem in Hungary
  • Proptech Hungary Association
  • match making
  • search for investors
  • preparation for foreign expansion
  • organization of proptech market events
  • Proptech Conference
  • Proptech startup competition
  • Proptech meetups, work shops
  • participation in international events, company representation
  • education

Proptech Hungary Premium

Become a member of our professional community, we will support your organization on the road to digital transformation, provide exclusive content and participation in special events with the help of the latest industry knowledge and a global network of professional contacts.
Be part of the development!


Smart Building túra Amszterdamban

Mit tanulhattunk a 2Amsterdam, a Danone és a Microsoft Innovation Hub Amsterdam okosépület-útjából? 🔎 Múlt héten exkluzív rendezvényt tartott a BGrid és a Smart Edge Solution közös szervezésben, ahol Európa-szerte


Átadták az Impact Awards díjakat a Real Expo-n

A Real Expon 2024-ben megrendezett IMPACT Awards célja a leginnovatívabb startupok és technológiák kiemelése volt, amelyek hozzájárulnak az épített környezet fenntarthatóságához és dekarbonizációjához. Dirk Paelinck, az European PropTech Association vezetője


Proptech Hungary Concerence 2023


Untitled design (20)


Untitled design (23)
Untitled design (22)


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    • You will immediately receive first-hand our exclusive analysis of the situation of the Hungarian proptech market
    • We report on current events and proptech events
    • We follow the development of domestic startups and provide information on capital raising
    • We provide you with the latest news

Do you have a question?

Founder, organizer
+36 70 953 2510


Do you have a question?

If the site piqued your interest and you want to have a good chat about the digital changes and opportunities taking place in the real estate market, contact me!